A subtle piece of improvisation, absurd clowning, play and poetry.
A show where the clown meets his audience and his love appears among them. To conquer her he will help himself with an improvised Cupid, with whom he will make the public delirious, taking them to levels of extreme laughter.
A show where the Simple becomes Surprising!
GENRE: Clown-Comedy
DURATION: 35 to 50 minutes (adaptable)
LANGUAGE : No text, visual
Minimum space 10m x 10m. Preferably flat ground without a stage.
Scene assembly and sound test 15 minutes / Scene disassembly 15 minutes.
Sound suitable for space, connection for a uhf wireless microphone and an iPod.
For night lighting shows.
Minimum scenario 4m x 6m. Entry and exit legs on both sides of the stage.
General amber light, red, yellow, blue and follower colored lights.
Scene assembly, lighting and sound test 45 minutes / Scene disassembly 15 minutes.
Sound, connection for a wireless uhf microphone on the sound table and an iPod on stage.